Interior Painting Tips

Interior painting may seem simple to many people, but in reality, several steps must be followed to obtain long-lasting quality results. Having the necessary experience will be vital to complete the job properly. So if you have doubts about how to do it yourself, we recommend you hire a painting company. Below are five essential steps to consider when your home or business.

1- The Tools You Need

interior painting tools

2- Prep The Room

room painting preparation

Move furniture to the center of the room, making enough space to reach desirable areas to paint. Cover the furniture with new plastic covers. 

Use a paper cover to place around the floor, close to the walls, using painter's tape. Cover the floors with drop cloths. 

Patch any nail holes, cracks or imperfections. Caulk around the trims where needed. Sand imperfections. Apply primer where needed.

3- Paint The Ceiling

ceiling painting

Start painting the edges of the ceiling and around light fixtures.

(Look for any cracks or stains before painting and make sure to take care of any small damage first or report to the manager about any major repairs).

Paint the ceiling with a roller, drawing straight lines one next to the other. Get enough paint on the roller and apply without adding too much pressure. Keep the roller wet enough all the way through. Make sure there is no paint excess or marks left between the lines.

4- Paint The Trims

trim painting

Add caulk between gaps. Clean the surfaces. Apply one coat of primer. Paint the baseboards, crown moldings, window trims and doors with multiple coats. Wait one to two hours between coats.  

Apply the paint using a new brush performing even movements, left and right or up and down, to match the original wood texture.

Prevent brush marks or spills by adding the appropriate amount of paint to the brush, not too much but not too little. Keep the brush wet at all times to prevent it from drying.

5- Paint The Walls

wall painting

Now that everything else is painted, is time for the walls.

Start doing the edges of the walls with a brush. Roll the walls with a new roller. Start applying the paint in the middle of the wall, moving smoothly up and down, making straight lines one next to the other. Get enough paint on the roller and apply without adding too much pressure. Keep the roller wet enough all the way through. Make sure there is no paint excess or marks left between the lines.

Repeat the process as needed. Let dry for at least 24 hours before touching.